Friday 2 March 2012

Response to "racist white teen girls go on a rant about blacks" video.

These girls need a news flash. All they're doing is making themselves look pathetic because they're stereo-typing a race. Honestly, I don't even understand why these girls are making this video in the first place? It doesn't make them seem cool or something. Apparently they seem to know everything about everything and feel the need to post it on the internet, but all they're doing is causing negative attention to be put on them. THEN they blurt out the N word. Obviously these two have no respect for anyone or anything. She starts calling them stupid, ghetto, lazy, ugly, uneducated etc. Who do they think they are calling people this? This video honestly disgusts me. Especially how people can go on the internet and judge not just one person, but an ENTIRE race based on absolutely no proof. Then they wonder why so many people are hating on them? Both of them are so ignorant, stuck up and need a serious reality check. Think twice about something before you put it up for the entire world to see.

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