Monday 9 April 2012


Every time I log into one of these sites, I always seem to find a group of people having arguments with each other. Their problems aren't for the internet, keep them to yourself and deal with it in a mature way. No one wants to see it all over their timeline or news feed. Most of the time, it's always the same people doing it. Do they not realize all it does is make them look immature and like they have nothing better to do in their spare time?   Then a whole bunch of other people get involved and make the problem even bigger. Next time, everyone should take their problems off the internet and work them out maturely.


  1. I agree. Why can people not be nice to each other on the internet instead of being rude? So many trolls on social networks.

  2. AMEN. They should keep theirs problem off the internet.

    1. good argument, people always beefing on websites like that its funny though.

  3. SO TRUE!! I hate when it's all over your page. And your just like...... PLEASE!!

  4. Its so annoying. And I especailly hate when people are rude and fight and end up exposing each other all over twitter or facebook. It's not ammusing, it's stupid.

  5. agreed Jelena! Honestly every time i log on its the same old stuff and im sick of it! it's like they're doing it for attention! its the worst! i don't care if people want to crab at each other all the time i just hate when it fills up my facebook with unnecessary garbage!
