Wednesday 25 April 2012

One thing I hate..

There is something that I can't stand, and that is in-class essays. I HATE them! I would rather take a couple days and write a really good paper then hand it in, than take an hour and be rushed with my work and get a lower mark because of it. I don't think essays prove anything for teachers, except that the students can write in a specific amount of time. Their writing ability should not be judged on one assignment they do, but in an overall average. Personally, I think they are a waste of time and there are better, more efficient ways of grading students.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I like about in-class essay is that everybody does them. Too many people are doing poorly in class because they just don't do the work. For some reason, if I say it's an assignment, it won't get done. But if I say it's a test, it happens immediately. It's magic!
