Sunday 8 April 2012

Examples of literary devices:

Alliteration- words/sentences that being with similar sounding words.
ex: "she sells sea shells by the sea shore."

Allegory-  symbolic aspect of a story that conveys a lesson or a teaching which is not present in it. Mostly a narrative that contains an abstract idea.
ex: films like The Matrix, or Casablanca

Climax- an arrangement of ideas in an increasing order of their importance.
ex: he came, he conquered, her village, her parents were proud when, they saw the.. 

Irony- an expression of ideas which are exactly opposite to the implied meaning.
ex: warning on a pack of cigarettes.. "smoking is injurious to health"

Metaphor-  a comparison of two things that are completely different from one another.
ex: "all men are pigs.", "he was a lion in the fight.", "the birth of laughter."

Oxymoron- a
 figure of speech includes words or ideas opposite in meaning placed one after the other.
ex: "feeling alone in a crowd."

Personification- it 
is a representation of abstract ideas or inanimate objects as having human attributes or qualities.
ex: "love and friendship had crippled his sense of judgement.", "that was a tormenting idea"

 it is an indirect comparison made between two different things showing some relation.
ex: "he was as cool as a cucumber.", "her skin was white as winter snow."

Hyperbole- it 
is an exaggeration, used often to ridicule, create humor or any drastic emotional appeal.
ex: "the waves rose as high as the mountains.", "I am so hungry that I could eat a whole cow."

Allusion- t
his device is a reference to any event happening in real life or a literary work.
ex: "t
he battle between the countries was World War II revisited'

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