Wednesday 25 April 2012

Our society.

Our society judges people way too much...

They tell girls that they're not skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough etc... They portray these in different kinds of media like television, and music. No one should have to feel like they're not good enough to be on our world just because one person says it. Teenagers shouldn't be so hard on themselves, they're only giving society an even bigger reason to be harsh on them. Everyone is different and unique. Don't let anyone get in the way of you and your happiness.

V for Vendetta

should the government be able to listen in our homes in order to keep us safe?

No, I do not think the government should be able to involve themselves into peoples private lives at all. Everyone should be able to feel safe and secure in their homes and not always worry about if someone is listening or not. On the other hand, if the people in the house are doing something illegal, than I think it is okay for the government to step in and take control of the situation. Other than that, the government should be respectful to the people and let them be.

One thing I hate..

There is something that I can't stand, and that is in-class essays. I HATE them! I would rather take a couple days and write a really good paper then hand it in, than take an hour and be rushed with my work and get a lower mark because of it. I don't think essays prove anything for teachers, except that the students can write in a specific amount of time. Their writing ability should not be judged on one assignment they do, but in an overall average. Personally, I think they are a waste of time and there are better, more efficient ways of grading students.

My vote

If I had the chance to vote, I would definitely vote for the Liberal Party. There are many reasons that made me pick this. A few would be that they are giving students $1000 per year for university, 6 months of care leave, and more money for a child care plan. The Liberals are making changes taht will hopefully be permanent and be in place for a long time. Enviroment, health care, education, child/family care and taxation are all trying to be improved to make our life easier. All of these will benefit kids my age in the future and their families as well. This is why if I had a choice, I would vote for the Liberal Party.

Monday 16 April 2012


Personally, I think this course is working out really well for me! It is definitely a different style of teaching that I wasn't used to at the beginning, but after a while I really enjoyed it. I don't think this teaching method will work for some people because they need to be told to hand in assignments at certain times, to make sure that they get them in. Otherwise, with no specific due date, they probably wont hand anything in. Throughout this semester so far, I have learned a variety of skills including better time management, making more specific goals, and being determined to finish assignments to my best ability. It was been a positive experience for me, and not having an exam for English is a bonus for sure!

Monday 9 April 2012


Every time I log into one of these sites, I always seem to find a group of people having arguments with each other. Their problems aren't for the internet, keep them to yourself and deal with it in a mature way. No one wants to see it all over their timeline or news feed. Most of the time, it's always the same people doing it. Do they not realize all it does is make them look immature and like they have nothing better to do in their spare time?   Then a whole bunch of other people get involved and make the problem even bigger. Next time, everyone should take their problems off the internet and work them out maturely.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Examples of literary devices:

Alliteration- words/sentences that being with similar sounding words.
ex: "she sells sea shells by the sea shore."

Allegory-  symbolic aspect of a story that conveys a lesson or a teaching which is not present in it. Mostly a narrative that contains an abstract idea.
ex: films like The Matrix, or Casablanca

Climax- an arrangement of ideas in an increasing order of their importance.
ex: he came, he conquered, her village, her parents were proud when, they saw the.. 

Irony- an expression of ideas which are exactly opposite to the implied meaning.
ex: warning on a pack of cigarettes.. "smoking is injurious to health"

Metaphor-  a comparison of two things that are completely different from one another.
ex: "all men are pigs.", "he was a lion in the fight.", "the birth of laughter."

Oxymoron- a
 figure of speech includes words or ideas opposite in meaning placed one after the other.
ex: "feeling alone in a crowd."

Personification- it 
is a representation of abstract ideas or inanimate objects as having human attributes or qualities.
ex: "love and friendship had crippled his sense of judgement.", "that was a tormenting idea"

 it is an indirect comparison made between two different things showing some relation.
ex: "he was as cool as a cucumber.", "her skin was white as winter snow."

Hyperbole- it 
is an exaggeration, used often to ridicule, create humor or any drastic emotional appeal.
ex: "the waves rose as high as the mountains.", "I am so hungry that I could eat a whole cow."

Allusion- t
his device is a reference to any event happening in real life or a literary work.
ex: "t
he battle between the countries was World War II revisited'

Phrases and words I like:

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." by John Fitzgerald
"Life is simply the pursuit of something worth dying for." by David Van Boom
"I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them." by Pablo Picasso 
"The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure." by Vince Lombardi
"Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." by Albert Einstein Quotes
"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" by Albert Einstein
"Words are potent weapons for all causes, good or bad." by Manly P Hall One liners
"Things could always be worse; for instance, you could be ugly and work in the Post Office." by Adrienne E Gusoff
"Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief." by Joseph Addison
"Those who say truth is stranger than fiction have wasted their time on poorly written fiction." by Mark Twain Qutations

can our friends be our worst enemies?

It depends on how close or not the relationship is between the people, I guess. Typically when  friends get into arguments, they'll go through that phase where they ignore each other for a while, but then the next week be friends again. Then when two really close friends get in a big fight, it can make them do a lot of drastic things to the friendship. An example would be make up rumors, spread lies or end the relationship completely.

Friends can definitely become enemies, but I think only friends who have known each other for a long time and have been through a lot can get to this point.

Employees made films about making fun of patients..

I never thought anyone would actually have the heart to get dressed up, and record themselves as a patient while mocking their illness/disabilities. Honestly, I think this is so cruel and not funny at all. The patients can't help if they have something going on with their bodies.. They can't control it. So to think that someone would do this, is completely mind blowing to me. Also, employees say they didn't mean to anyone to get hurt by the videos.. but I can't see how someone wouldn't get offended by it? I'm pretty sure if that had happened to them, they would feel pretty bad about themselves too.

I don't know, I just think it was immature for grown adults to act that way. They should think twice about some things before they say or do it.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

do Canadian students need to learn French in high school?

Yes, I do think that high school students should be required to take a French course, but only in grade 9. After that students should have the right to choose if they would like to take French again, or not.

I think choosing another language course after grade 9 is very beneficial, both in the real world and it looks good on college and university applications. But that's only my opinion.