Tuesday 28 February 2012

Teenagers asking viewers to judge their looks..

After I read this article, I was shocked at the number of people who make videos of themselves asking the youtube community if they are good looking or not. Honestly, everyone is beautiful and do not need to ask people consistanly about their looks. Surprising as it is, many people have become insecure about themselves, but they shouldn't be. Teenagers should not be so concerned about their appearence and what people think about them, you are who you are whether people like it or not. To me, this article is is making teens worred about their looks but they should not have to change for anyone!


  1. Honestly who would do that in the first place.its either that person is insecure, or just wants attention... either way you don't need to ask the world! I guess all that matters is how you see yourself. YEE! bye.. :)

  2. Is this not the same as "Rated.0?" Do you agree or disagree with having people rated on their looks on Facebook? How is that okay compared to this video on Youtube?

  3. Personally, I think people should not have to take this to the internet at all. It just seems like they want attention from people, that might not be the case, but it sure does seem that way.
