Tuesday 28 February 2012

What a journey.

Every new year of high school comes with new challenges, new friends and new opportunities. For some it's a scary thought, but some can hardly wait to get out into the world and experience all the things high school has to offer.

My grade 9 year was.. interesting. I was excited but nervous at the same time. So far it has been a great experience because I learned the wrong and right things to do, and overall all it has done is help me grow as a person and find out who I am. I'm sure for many people it is the same, even if you hate high school or love it. Grade 10 is just as amazing, I am loving! I have met new friends and learned new things, but I have also lost people I used to be close with. That's okay though, high school is all about finding out who you are, your interests and what makes you happy. I hope by grade 12 everyone is proud of who they are and how they got there.














Lit cirlces.

The book I autimatically eliminated from my top 2 choices was "A Discovery of Witches" by Deborah Harkness. I removed this book because I do not really enjoy reading fantasy genres, I lose interest in them quickly. When I read the summarys for the other books, I became more drawn to them and wanted to read the books, but when I read the summary for this book I was not interested at all.

Teenagers asking viewers to judge their looks..

After I read this article, I was shocked at the number of people who make videos of themselves asking the youtube community if they are good looking or not. Honestly, everyone is beautiful and do not need to ask people consistanly about their looks. Surprising as it is, many people have become insecure about themselves, but they shouldn't be. Teenagers should not be so concerned about their appearence and what people think about them, you are who you are whether people like it or not. To me, this article is is making teens worred about their looks but they should not have to change for anyone!

Friday 24 February 2012

My inspiration.

I do not have a certain person or group that inspires me, I am inspired by anyone who was told that they could not do something, but yet proved everyone wrong in the end. Anyone can do anything, no matter what people say about it. Just to know that some people put their mind to something and accomplish it give me even more reasons to do all the things that people said I wouldn't be able to do.

13 Reasons Why.

For literature circles, I chose to read 13 reasons why by Jay Asher.  I was immediately sold when I read the summary for it and I have always gravitated towards mystery books and this is definitely one of them! I love reading a book that is unsure of what is happening until the end, it just makes me want to read it even more and never put it down. I'm really excited to read this book, I can't wait!

Friday 17 February 2012

Every since I was little..

Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to pursue a job where I get to be involved in the lives of children and adults. I am a very social person and enjoy helping anyone any chance I get. Also, I would like to help change the world in some way by lowering poverty, world hunger and making it a safer and cleaner environment to everyone to live in. For right now, I might start making smaller changes like volunteering and recycling. In the future, I really want to try and make these things happen. Not for me, but for people who are in need of it.

Thursday 16 February 2012

The 5th year.

I think high schools should allow all students to take a fifth year of schooling if they need it. I mean, why not? It is not harming anyone or anything. All it is doing it letting students earn the credits they were not able to get and we should support them!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Make your OWN choices.

  People should be able to vote, no matter what age they are! In some cases, younger generations know more about what is going on currently on in the news while older people have no clue or vise versa.  The minimum age requirement to vote is 18 years old, but people who are younger might have knowledge and would want to vote in someone who could benefit out society. Voting under the age of 18 should be legalized so that all ages can have a say in what goes on in our city. Also, with more people voting, these votes can help determine the winning and loosing side in case the numbers are close. A couple votes can make a big difference in who will be chosen to run the city. Do you want someone making your choices for you? No, only you can make decisions for yourself.


  In my opinion, I think that abortion should be illegal. I feel very strongly about this topic because if two people think they are old enough to have sex, then they are old enough to take care of a child. Abortion is basically killing your unborn child and I think most people just use it was a way to get ride of it and forget about the consequences. The number of abortions that happen every year influence our total population every year and it is not as big as it should be. Also, some people take pregnancy for granted. Some individuals cannot have children at all and they would do anything to be able to have their own child, but people who can don't take it seriously at all. Life is a precious thing and it shocks me how people can have abortions. If you are unfit to raise a child, there are much better options, like adoption. It will give them a chance to have a loving family that cares about them and a better life. Abortion is not the answer!