Friday, 23 March 2012

girls these days..

Everyday girls try to find something they hate about other girls, just so they feel bad about themselves. If they can't find anything they just make up stories about them and spread lies around. WHY?

I don't understand why they always need to be involved with drama, all it does it make you look fake and loose friends. Sometimes, you just need to let things go and move on instead of getting involved with things that don't involve you. BE MATURE AND LET IT GO.

From personal experiences, I am trying to become a better me and not care what people say. All it does is take up more time and energy into situations that will go no where. That's what many other people need to do as well, stop caring so much about who said this and that and focus on YOURSELF and YOUR life.

The idea of writing as a career.

Ever since I was a little kid I have enjoyed reading and writing, but I never thought of it as being a career choice for myself.

When Carrie Snyder came in and as she was talking about her life experiences and how the inspired her to write about them for everyone to read, it made me think that it is a really cool idea to share things with the public and let them know your opinion on certain things. When I was younger I had a journal that I would always write in, but after a while I started writing less everyday. Today after the guest speaker finished, I realized how much I missed it. Now, I would definitely consider a job in journalism because I just love writing, giving my opinion on things and I'm good at it!

Kony 2012.

I just found out about Joseph Kony about 2 weeks ago, and honestly I am disgusted with this mans behavior.

However, I think that many people who have watched this video became "activists" all of a sudden due to one video that went viral in a couple of days. Everyone was talking about this for the next couple of days and they all wanted to be involved with it in a good way, and help spread awareness to their friends and family to stop Joseph Kony this year.

After about a week, things seemed to die down and no one really payed attention to it anymore. Why though? What made this so much more important a week ago? and today it's like it never happened. I guess people were just caught up in the moment and saw that everyone else wanted to help, so they wanted too as well. Half the people who said they wanted to make a change, don't even mention Kony 2012 anymore.

are people good or evil?

In my opinion, I do not think that people are only good or only evil. In our life, certain things may happen to use that will either makes us really bad and want to lash out, or it can be a positive effect. Either way it is a learning experience and will help us grow individually as people. We all have our moments where we are going to lean more towards one side in situations, but it doesn't mean we are always evil or always good. I feel like most people have good intentions and want to help, but sometimes it might not always be the best option and portray them as being evil. All in all, I believe that we all are different and unique not just one thing.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

what happened?

What ever happened to That's so Raven, Even Stevens and Boy meets World? That was the real family channel, not all these new shows they have. I have never watched anything more stupider in my life. They are taking 12 year old actors and trying to portray them as much older, mature people. But they're not. No new shows will
ever be able to replace the original shows they had back in 2005-2009.


Monday, 5 March 2012

10 things that I hate.

people that..
1. slurp their drinks.. STOP! IT'S ANNOYING.
2. purposely walk/drive slow.
3. wear print on print outfits.
4. guys who say they have "euro swag"....
5. hate on where other people are from for NO reason at all.
6. add random people on Facebook so it looks like they have more friends..
7. are hypocrites.
8. act all smart but don't know what they're talking about.
9. quote things from movies/shows and saying they thought of it.
10. care about other people's opinions more than their own.

Friday, 2 March 2012

toddlers & tiaras..

First of all, I blame the mothers of these girls for the whole thing. You're taking your 5 year old daughter and putting extentions, fake eyelashes, fake teeth and spray tanning them? Are you serious? They're not 20 years old, they're 5. I don't know why these parents are putting their children through all this? Half the kids on the show do not even like being in pageants, yet their mothers force them into it. It's like they want their kids to grow up so fast and not embrace their childhood. Also, this show portrays these kids as being rude and stubborn. Throughout the entire episode, they are crying and yelling for various reasons and viewers may see it as the kids being undisciplined. I bet half of them do not act like this on a regular basis, only when they are under pressure for pageants. Finally, I think that the mothers want their kids to pursue something that they want, rather than what the kids want to do, and it just seems unfair to be honest. You can't force a child to do an activity if they hate it, let them go off and find what they like doing. I think this show should be cancelled for all of these reasons.

Response to "racist white teen girls go on a rant about blacks" video.

These girls need a news flash. All they're doing is making themselves look pathetic because they're stereo-typing a race. Honestly, I don't even understand why these girls are making this video in the first place? It doesn't make them seem cool or something. Apparently they seem to know everything about everything and feel the need to post it on the internet, but all they're doing is causing negative attention to be put on them. THEN they blurt out the N word. Obviously these two have no respect for anyone or anything. She starts calling them stupid, ghetto, lazy, ugly, uneducated etc. Who do they think they are calling people this? This video honestly disgusts me. Especially how people can go on the internet and judge not just one person, but an ENTIRE race based on absolutely no proof. Then they wonder why so many people are hating on them? Both of them are so ignorant, stuck up and need a serious reality check. Think twice about something before you put it up for the entire world to see.